Friday, March 9, 2012

help with query

HI I have a table that someone else designed like
* employeeid * firstname * last name * supervisor_id *
* 1 * Paul * Sed * 2
* 2 * John * Edward * 1 *
I need a query that will return Johns name for Pauls supervisor
and Pauls name for Johns supervisor, supervisor id for Johns supervisor is 1
which is the employeeid for Paul. Thanks.
Paul G
Software engineer.Why is it that these two people are each other's supervisor?
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Columnist, SQL Server Professional
Toronto, ON Canada
"Paul" <> wrote in message
HI I have a table that someone else designed like
* employeeid * firstname * last name * supervisor_id *
* 1 * Paul * Sed * 2
* 2 * John * Edward * 1 *
I need a query that will return Johns name for Pauls supervisor
and Pauls name for Johns supervisor, supervisor id for Johns supervisor is 1
which is the employeeid for Paul. Thanks.
Paul G
Software engineer.|||select t.FirstName,t.LastName,b.FirstName as 'Supervisor FirstName',
b.LastName as 'Supervisor FirstName' from
#temp t join #temp b
on b.employeeid=t.supervisor_id
#temp =Table Name
"Tom Moreau" wrote:

> Why is it that these two people are each other's supervisor?
> --
> Tom
> ----
> Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
> SQL Server MVP
> Columnist, SQL Server Professional
> Toronto, ON Canada
> ..
> "Paul" <> wrote in message
> HI I have a table that someone else designed like
> ****************************************
> * employeeid * firstname * last name * supervisor_id *
> ****************************************
> * 1 * Paul * Sed * 2
> *
> ****************************************
> * 2 * John * Edward * 1
> ****************************************
> I need a query that will return Johns name for Pauls supervisor
> (supervisorid=2)
> and Pauls name for Johns supervisor, supervisor id for Johns supervisor is
> which is the employeeid for Paul. Thanks.
> --
> Paul G
> Software engineer.
>|||this is actually not the case, just a simplified example.
Paul G
Software engineer.
"Tom Moreau" wrote:

> Why is it that these two people are each other's supervisor?
> --
> Tom
> ----
> Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
> SQL Server MVP
> Columnist, SQL Server Professional
> Toronto, ON Canada
> ..
> "Paul" <> wrote in message
> HI I have a table that someone else designed like
> ****************************************
> * employeeid * firstname * last name * supervisor_id *
> ****************************************
> * 1 * Paul * Sed * 2
> *
> ****************************************
> * 2 * John * Edward * 1
> ****************************************
> I need a query that will return Johns name for Pauls supervisor
> (supervisorid=2)
> and Pauls name for Johns supervisor, supervisor id for Johns supervisor is
> which is the employeeid for Paul. Thanks.
> --
> Paul G
> Software engineer.
>|||ok thanks I think that is what I was looking for.
Paul G
Software engineer.
"bluefish" wrote:
> select t.FirstName,t.LastName,b.FirstName as 'Supervisor FirstName',
> b.LastName as 'Supervisor FirstName' from
> #temp t join #temp b
> on b.employeeid=t.supervisor_id
> #temp =Table Name
> Sam
> "Tom Moreau" wrote:

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