IDataReader reader
To work on the IIS server they are loading it on to. They are now asking me to fix the website so it will work. I have no clue how to do this in C#.
In I would do this:
Dim ConnectionString As String = "server=;uid=;pwd=;database="
Dim CommandText As String
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim Adapter As SQLDataAdapter = New SQLDataAdapter
Dim MyCommandBuilder As SQLCommandBuilder
Dim MatcherDS As DataSet = New DataSet
Dim Row As DataRow
Dim Count
SelectStatement = " select M_ID, M_FirstName, M_LastName, M_Email, M_Login, M_Password, M_Level from Member where M_Login = '" & txtuser.text & "' and M_Password COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = '" & txtpassword.text & "'"
Adapter.SelectCommand = New SQLCommand(SelectStatement, MyConnection)
MyCommandBuilder = New SQLCommandBuilder(Adapter)
Adapter.Fill(MatcherDS, "temp")
count = MatcherDS.Tables("temp").Rows.Count
if count > 0 then
Row = MatcherDS.Tables("temp").Rows(0)
Session("M_FLevel") = Row.item("M_Level")
Session("M_ID") = Row.item("M_ID")
if Session("M_FLevel") = 0 then
Session("M_FLevel") = 5
end if
response.write("Error Login")
end if
Now my question is how do I program this in C# so I can open the sql server and access the tables the same way??
Any help is appreciated...
The same the way you do it in except you use c#. In .NET all thelanguages use the same objects, but may differ in syntax. Look for to c# convertor on the net.Rahul|||
Below is the C# equivelent.
string ConnectionString ="server=;uid=;pwd=;database=";
string CommandText;
SqlConnection myConnection =new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
SqlDataAdapter Adapter =new SqlDataAdapter;
SqlCommandBuilder MyCommandBuilder;
DataSet MatcherDS =new DataSet;
DataRow Row;
int Count;
SelectStatement =" select M_ID, M_FirstName, M_LastName, M_Email, M_Login, M_Password, M_Level from Member where M_Login = '" + txtuser.Text +"' and M_Password COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AS = '" + txtpassword.Text +"'";
Adapter.SelectCommand =new SqlCommand(SelectStatement, myConnection);
MyCommandBuilder =new SqlCommandBuilder(Adapter);
count = MatcherDS.Tables["temp"].Rows.Count;
if (count > 0)
Row = MatcherDS.Tables["temp"].Rows[0];
Session["M_FLevel"] = Row.Item["M_Level"];
Session["M_ID"] = Row.Item["M_ID"];
if ((int)Session["M_FLevel"] == 0)
Session["M_FLevel"] = 5;
Response.Write("Error Login");
|||Thank you, that I have something to working to work off of on the rest of this code. Thank you for your help...sql
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