execute that string and then take the output and generate a
spreadsheet document based on the output. I'm new to sql and the book
I have doesn't really explain much. Anyone with an example of their
work would be appreaciated.
thank you.use output option
for example:
select @.sql = 'select @.bdate=min(effective_date) from ' + @.table
SET @.ParmDefinition = N'@.bdate datetime OUTPUT'
EXEC sp_executesql @.sql, @.ParmDefinition, @.bdate OUTPUT
"Ado" <a3vr6tur@.hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:848bd3a0.0401151001.7270c50b@.posting.google.c om...
> I have a full sql statement which was generated dynamicly, and need to
> execute that string and then take the output and generate a
> spreadsheet document based on the output. I'm new to sql and the book
> I have doesn't really explain much. Anyone with an example of their
> work would be appreaciated.
> thank you.|||"Ado" <a3vr6tur@.hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:848bd3a0.0401151001.7270c50b@.posting.google.c om...
> I have a full sql statement which was generated dynamicly, and need to
> execute that string and then take the output and generate a
> spreadsheet document based on the output. I'm new to sql and the book
> I have doesn't really explain much. Anyone with an example of their
> work would be appreaciated.
> thank you.
The Books Online syntax documentation for sp_executesql has two examples,
and the subject "Using sp_executesql" has several more. You'll probably also
find this useful:
If you're still having problems after checking those sources, perhaps you
could post a (simple) example of what you're trying to do.
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