I have a procedure which INSERTS a new record in two tables [Content] and [ContentLocalized] given [ContentName] and [ContentCulture].
Here are the table structures:
|-- [ContentId] Type=UniqueIdentifier PK
| [ContentName] Type=NVarChar(100)
| <ContentLocalized>
| [ContentLocalizedId] Type=UniqueIdentifier PK
| ---> [ContentId] Type=UniqueIdentifier FK
| [ContentCulture] Type=NVarChar(5)
| [ContentHtml] Type=NVarChar(MAX)
> If in <Content> THERE IS a record with the same [ContentName] then this record will be used AND:
If in <ContentLocalized> for the given [ContentName] THERE IS NO such [ContentCulture] then a new will be created with [ContentCulture] and [ContentHtml]
If in <ContentLocalized> for the given [ContentName]THERE IS such [ContentCulture] then its [ContentHtml] will be replaced by the given [ContentHtml]
> If in <Content> THERE IS NOT a record with the same [ContentName] then:
A new <Content> record will be created with [ContentName] and a new <ContentLocalized> record will be created with [ContentCulture] and [ContentHtml].
I know I didn't get there yet.
Could somebody help em out?
I am posting the INSERT Store Procedure as I have now:
1SET ANSI_NULLSON2GO3SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIERON4GO5ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Content_CreateContentByNameAndCulture]6 @.ContentNameNVARCHAR(100),7 @.ContentCultureNVARCHAR(5),8 @.ContentHtmlNVARCHAR(MAX)9AS10BEGIN11 SET NOCOUNT ON;12DECLARE @.ContentIdUNIQUEIDENTIFIER;13SET @.ContentId =NEWID();14INSERT dbo.Content15 (16 ContentName17 )18SELECT19 @.ContentName;20SELECT @.ContentId;21INSERT dbo.ContentLocalized22 (23 ContentId,24 ContentCulture,25 ContentHtml26 )27SELECT28 @.ContentId,29 @.ContentCulture,30 @.ContentHtml;31END32GO333435
Here is one example involving the uniqueidentifier column:
ALTERPROCEDURE [dbo].[test_sp]
INSERTINTO [Albums]([c_id], [Caption],[IsPublic])VALUES(NEWID(), @.Caption, @.IsPublic)RETURN
--Thid is the table I copied for you to test:
TABLE [dbo].[Albums]([AlbumID] [int]
IDENTITY(1,1)NOTNULL,[Caption] [nvarchar]
(50)NOTNULL,[IsPublic] [bit]
NOTNULL,[c_id] [uniqueidentifier]
NULL)|||SET ANSI_NULLSONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIERONGOALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Content_CreateContentByNameAndCulture] @.ContentNameNVARCHAR(100), @.ContentCultureNVARCHAR(5), @.ContentHtmlNVARCHAR(MAX)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @.ContentIdUNIQUEIDENTIFIER,@.ExistingContentNameNVARCHAR(100)SELECT @.ExistingContentName = ContentNameFROM ContentWHERE ContentName = @.ContentName;IF (@.ExistingContentName =null)BEGININSERT INTO dbo.Content (ContentId, ContentName)VALUES (NEWID(), @.ContentName);ENDENDGO
Its not yet complete but i think its a start, does anyone knows how to make a statement that will return FALSE if the select statement returned no data and TRUE if there is >= 1?
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