I have a function that reads an unsigned integer and translates it into an IP address. The problem is that it is rounding the numbers so the IP numbers are off by 1 either up or down, i.e., 144.xxx.xxx.xx will show as 145.xxx.... or 144.456.xx... will show as 144.455.xx....Can someone help?
Here is the code:
create or replace function readip(unsint number)
return varchar
ip_address varchar(15);
a number(3);
b number(3);
c number(3);
d number(3);
a := mod( ( unsint / 16777216 ), 256);
b := mod( ( unsint / 65536 ), 256);
c := mod( ( unsint / 256 ), 256);
d := mod( ( unsint ), 256);
ip_address := a||'.'||b||'.'||c||'.'||d;
return ip_address;
end readip;
Thank you much!
MonicaIf you want the decimals to be displayed, define the variables as
a number(10,3);
Hope this helps.|||Originally posted by DBW-Monica
I have a function that reads an unsigned integer and translates it into an IP address. The problem is that it is rounding the numbers so the IP numbers are off by 1 either up or down, i.e., 144.xxx.xxx.xx will show as 145.xxx.... or 144.456.xx... will show as 144.455.xx....Can someone help?
Here is the code:
create or replace function readip(unsint number)
return varchar
ip_address varchar(15);
a number(3);
b number(3);
c number(3);
d number(3);
a := mod( ( unsint / 16777216 ), 256);
b := mod( ( unsint / 65536 ), 256);
c := mod( ( unsint / 256 ), 256);
d := mod( ( unsint ), 256);
ip_address := a||'.'||b||'.'||c||'.'||d;
return ip_address;
end readip;
Thank you much!
must be missing the obvious, but I just don't get it. Can you give an example of an input value, and what your function should return ?
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